Titles, artwork and preorders

The album is uploaded and ready to be released on 10th February 2023 on all streaming platforms and Bandcamp

The short story will also go live on 10th February 2023 on Amazon

Pre-orders of the album go live on the 1st February 2023

Spotify pre-save link here

We are sorting new merchandise out for the albums release, more information on that soon.

The album is based on a short horror/gore story I have written that takes place in a victorian-esq steampunk world full of crime and sculduggery. This story is a tale of tragedy, horror, brutality and machinery.

The album is called “Vol 2: The rewiring of humanity”

Track titles of the songs and book chapters are as follows:

1. The nightmare begins
2. Taken from your life
3. Food will stretch the flesh (Consume no more)
4. Human meat market
5. The rewiring of humanity (body modification)
6. The end of the beginning
7. Sadness into madness (instrumental)
8. Hunted and tortured
9. Death welcomes
10. Left to rot

The album artwork is as follows:


Kickstarter campaign


Album is now 100% complete