Update from Camp Pigeon

It’s been a while since I last posted a blog, just over a month. I wanted to wait until we had something proper to share, well I think we do now.

✨A little emotional update from Camp Pigeon✨

Today is a milestone day for us, its exactly one month ago since our album & short horror story was released. This album and accompanying short story have literally surpassed any and all expectations we had for them and I would like to share how the album has done one month on with you. I want to emphatically state this is not us showing off at all but appreciating everything YOU have allowed us to achieve. If this wasn't for all of YOU and this beautiful community none of this would have been possible and we are eternally grateful for your time in listening and reading.

Thank you to everyone that believed in us and backed our Kickstarter campaign, but unfortunately the funding was unsuccessful.

If you did back us (we have a list of names on Kickstarter) please get in touch with us as we would like to send you a free CD and keyring to just say thank you.

Now, where one door closes another opens, we have secured funding for 25 digipak CDs and they are currently being printed. Hopefully in the next few weeks some of those CDs will be available to buy and stocked in independent record shops in Bristol.

Lastly, we are excited to share we are in the process of writing new music!!

Thank you for accepting us, being so kind, and coming with us on this incredible journey.


Death Pigeon
(JD and Neil)


Digipak CDs and the misprint!


Kickstarter campaign